V Editor Toolset > Build Info

This tool allows you to record the data comes from Editor Log and some build settings whenever you make a build of your project. Build data called Snapshot contains various information which could be used to find out the differences between previously created builds.


  1. Go to V Editor Toolset Quick Access Menu (Ctrl + Alt + V) and open Build Info window
  2. Turn on Record toggle. From now on the build snapshot will be created and added to the snapshot list each time when you make a build of your project
  3. Turning on Show Results toggle will open this window and shows the latest snapshot right after build process was completed
  4. Turning on Two Columns toggle allows you to inspect and compare two selected snapshots at the time
  5. Click Import to import snapshot list from XML file
  6. Click Export to save current snapshot list to XML file
  7. Click Clear to remove all current snapshot entries

Snapshot Content

  • Date of the build in [day / month / year / time] format
  • Target platform, build file path and included assets diagram
  • Included scenes as it listed in Build Settings. Clicking on the scene icon will highlight it in your project hierarchy
  • Included and excluded DLL’s
  • Preprocessor Directives including user-defined Scripting Define Symbols from Player Settings
  • Some general platform-independent Player Settings
  • Quality Settings