V Editor Toolset > Missing References

Deleting MonoBehaviour script which is currently being attached as a component to one or more game objects will give you this message:

Besides, if you decide to delete some of your assets such as texture, audio clip or sprite you might not always know for sure if this asset was set as a reference earlier. This tool will scan your entire project and opened scenes for missing references.


  1. Go to V Editor Toolset Quick Access Menu (Ctrl + Alt + V) and click Scan
  2. After scanning process was completed you’ll see the yellow warning icons if one or more missing references was found in your project
  3. Clicking on item from the list selects and highlights it in your project or scene hierarchy
  • Assets contains all scriptable objects which lost their scripts
  • Asset References contains missing object references of all scriptable objects
  • Prefabs contains objects which lost one or more MonoBehaviour components
  • Prefab References contains missing object references of all components attached to prefabs
  • Prefab Instances contains scene objects with missing prefab connection
  • Scene Objects contains scene objects which lost one or more MonoBehaviour components
  • Scene Object References contains missing object references of all components attached to scene objects

 Scanning process loads all assets from Asset folder so it may take a while depending on your project size

 Clicking on Assets item will only highlight the root folder of scriptable object since there is no way to get reference to this object